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2850 S. Church Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37127

Implant Dentures


Ill fitting, loose dentures. While dentures that are loose and ill fitting make eating difficult, they can cause painful sore spots on the gums as they slide around while chewing.


An implant denture may be the answer. Usually two to four implants are surgically placed in the bone and become anchored as the bone heals and secures itself to the implant. This healing process takes about six months after which the dentist can begin constructing an implant denture. An implant denture is a removable denture with attachments on the underside that clip onto a bar connected to the implants. The attachments and bar hold the denture in place and keep it from moving when chewing and speaking. Implant dentures can be classified into two groups: Implant Retained Dentures and Implant Supported Dentures. Implant Retained Dentures are held in place by the attachments, but are mainly supported by the bone and gum tissue as is a conventional denture. Implant Supported Dentures are for patients who do not have sufficient bone and supporting gum tissue. This denture is mainly supported by the bar attached to the implants.


New dentures may be considered if the financial burden of dental implants is too great.

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